Art Nouveau In America

Art Nouveau seemed to become popular in the states when Eugene Grasset's magazines were being printed in France and than began to be sold in New York. From there the Art Nouveau style became a popular style in the United States. Two of the most influential Art Nouveau designers in America were Louis Comfort Tiffany and Louis Sulivan.

Louis Tiffany was a designer in the decorative arts. He focused primarily on painting, jewlery making, and stained glass art. Many of his works involve floral, landscapes, and some semi-abstract forms. He was hired to design many different churches windows. He was most popular for his stainglass work.
Cobweb Design 1900
Tiffany glass dome Camino Real Hotel El Paso Texas 1912

Louis Sullivan goal was to reflect contemperay Chicago. He was very involed in the designing of rebuilding Chicago after the fire. He was known as the "father of sky scrapers".  He was the first to use steel frames for sky scrapers. He also was a mentor of Frank Lloyde Wright. One of his more popular buildings was the Transportation building that was built for the world fair in Chicago 1893.
Transportation Building 1893    

      Examples of Art Nouveau today
Image result for art nouveau today
Starbucks Logo
 It is beleved that the Starbuck logo may have taken inspiration from the Art Nouveau style.

 Art-Nouveau_Disney_Princess_JasminaSome graphic artists today seem to be taking the style of Art Nouveau and adding current popular character. For example above is a picture of a Disney prinsess that has been placed with a back ground that mimics some of the Art Nouveau styles.

One Step Further
I find Louis Tiffany's designs beautiful and eligant. Louis Tiffany was born in New York City in 1848. After going to a military academy he desided to follow his dreams of being a painter. When he started studying at the National Academy of Design in New York Tiffany began making experiments with stain glass. He also was a son a a well known jewler. He help co-found a glass making company. There was a disagrement between Tiffany and his parent so Tiffany went and created his own firm. Tiffany invented Favrile which was an iridesent colored glass.

Tiffany became a world famous glass maker. He used unique coloring and methods with is stainglass products. Even though eventually in 1932 Tiffany Studio filed for bankruptcy his style is still very popular and replicas are still sold today.

Replica of Louis Tiffany Mermaid Glass Window.                                                   Louis Tiffany Oil Painting


  1. Christyanne, you did a good job with your summary. I didn't know that the Eugene Grasset's magazines were also responsible for introducing Art Nouveau into the United States. I also never paid in depth attention to the Starbucks logo but now that you mentioned it, I definitely see characteristics of Art Nouveau in it from the organic shapes to the female figure. Your post was very insightful and you did a good job with the examples too; they conveyed a range of different objects within the style.


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