Rise of the Decorator

The earliest known Interior Decorators was in 1900 but where more widely known after being showcased at the Worlds Fair in Paris in 1925. There where two types of designers in the design of the fair, the Functionalist and the Decorator. The Functionalist would focus on the function of the design and the Designer would create an "ensemble".

Before there was a profession of Interior Designers, Craftsmen would be hired to finish the interiors. When Interior Designer began to be hired they would furnish the interior with furniture, art, accessories, and flooring covers. The need for Interior Designers arose when the wealthy wanted their homes to reflect there status and wealth.

 Even though the majority of Interior Design was men at the beginning,  there is now more wemon who are Interior Designers. One of the first famous Interior Designer was Elsie de Wolf. Also followed in the occupation of Interior Design was Dorthy Draper, Billy Baldwin, Francis Elins, and Petra Blaisse.

Image result for billy baldwin interiors
Billy Baldwin

Image result for francis elkins interiors
Fransis Elkins

 Interior Design Today

Image result for Kelly Hoppen interior designers
Kelly Hoppen Design
Victoria Hagan

One Step Further

Image result for elsie de wolfeElis de Wolf was also known as Lady Mendl. Elis de Wolf Was not only was a Interior Designer but also an actress. Even at a young age she would pay attention to the interior design of a home. There is a story of when she was young when her parents decorated there living room with William Morris wallpaper. She dislike the design so much that she cryed and yelled that it was so ugly.

In 1886 Elis de Wolf became an actress. While she was an actress she was involved with the set design which sparked her interst for interior design even more. Eventually she quite being an actess and worked as a designer.

Elis de Wolf would end up designing for homes, clubs, and bussinesses. One of her most prosperous commision was for Henry Clay Frick one of the wealthies people in America at the time.

She did not like victorian style and would refer to herself as a "rebel in an ugly world". Elis de Wolf style was the oposite of the Victorian style. Instead of dark and cluttered interiors she made them light. Her interiors were anin spiration from gardens and she used bright colors in her designs.
Image result for elsie de wolfe interiorsImage result for elsie de wolfe interiors


  1. Christyanne, I thought it was interesting how interior designers were needed to help decorate homes to show the wealth and status of families. I think this shows how interior design is also a very important aspect of showing the characteristic of a building and a space. I also thought it was interesting that Elsie de Wolf had interest in design since she was little. No wonder she succeeded in the field; she was a natural. I also found it she was designing sets while she was acting too.

  2. I just love your summary of Elsie de Wolfe- what a character that even as a young child she would cry at ugly interiors. This was a pivotal moment in time when Interior Designs moved to the forefront. And as you mentioned more women came forward into the field!


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