
Modernism began in 1919 and lasted until 1945. The movement was started after WWI ended. It was a chance to redesign the world and to take advantage of the technological advancements.Modernism style rejected ornamentation and used glass and concrete. The movement created designs that were a simplification of form.
Two primary movements that influenced modernism was Prairie Style and Art Nouveau. It was a time of technological advancements of skyscrapers, automobiles, trains, photography, and moving pictures. Like many movements before it Modernism was a moment that rejected the past and historical design. Famous architects that designed during this movement was Frank Lloyde Wright, Walter Gropius, Ludwig Meis van der Rohe, and Le Corbusier.

Here is a link to a video that I found that simply describes what modernism was

Image result for finnish Pavilion
Finnish Pavilion, New Yorks World's Fair
Image result for bauhaus
Walter Gropius Bauhaus
Examples of Modernism today

Image result for modernism furniture todayRelated image

One Step Further

Meis van der Rohe is known as one of the pioneer of modernism. He was born in Germany. In his younger years he worked in his fathers stone carving store. He was than an apprentice at the studio of Peter Behrens. He later became a construction manager of the embassy of the German Empire. Eventually Ludwig Mies renamed himself, adding van der and also adding his mother's maiden name Rohe.
After Nazism had risen Meis lander Rohe moved to America. After moving to America he became head of Architectural school at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. He primarily used steel and plate glass for his designs. He wanted to minimize framework. Meis van Der Rohe would refer to his designs as "skin and bones". He used free flowing space as an aspect of his designs.  

Some of Meis van Der Rohe's famous designer are the Barcelona Pavilion, IBM Plaza in Chicago, IL, and the Farnsworth house. Some of the famous furniture that he designed where Tugend hat chair and the Barcelona chair. The material that he primarily used for his furniture was leather and chrome.

Image result for barcelona pavilion
Barcelona Pavilion

Image result for barcelona chair
Barcelona Chair


  1. Christyanne, I found your summary to be brief yet enlightening. The video you included was also very interesting and helpful; It helped me realize modernism wasn't the only style outcome of the 1st World War. I found it interesting how Modernism was influenced by Art Nouveau too yet it rejected ornamentation.

  2. Christyanne, I find it interesting that while I looked more into Lilly Reich, rather than Mies, I see some similarities. This goes to show the strong characteristics that modernism had and almost all designers achieved within it.


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