
well-known started in 1897 and continued were 1959. This movement rejected Historical Styles and ornamentation and focused on experimenting with form. This movement was the movement that sparked the ideas for Modernism There where many An designers of this time to name a few Josef Olbrich, Gustav Klint, Otto Wagner, Adolf Loos, Josef Hoffmann, Frank Lloyde Wright, and Kolomon Moser.

A important movement within Protomodernism was the Deutscher Werkbund Movement. The movement started in Munich, Germany. This movement encouraged the use of machinery and the purpose was that they were able to use high quality but create it in mass.

Another famous movement was the Vienna Secession. Vienna Secession was known for achievements in art history, psychology, and philosophy. One of the most popular buildings that was created during the Vienna Secession was the Josef Maria Olbrich Secession Building in Vienna, Austria.
Image result for Josef Maria Olbrich Secession Building in Vienna
Secession Building

A famous and well known piece of art that came from this movement was the piece called The Kiss by Gustav Klimt.
Image result for The Kiss Gustav Klimt
The Kiss
 Protomodernism Today

 Image result for proto modernist interiorsImage result for proto modernist interiors

One Step Further

Josef Hoffman was an Austrian architect. His job was working with military planning in Germany. He graduating from is studies in 1895. He started teaching in 1899 at Kunstgewerbeschule. He was admired teacher and greatly encouraged his students. His first major work was Palais Stoclet Brussels (1905-1911). Though out his designes he used geometric lines, cubes, and squares. There were also many differernet famous chairs that he designed: Morris Chair, Kubus Chair, and Palais Stoclet Chair.
Image result for palais stoclet brusselsImage result for palais stoclet brussels interiorImage result for palais stoclet brussels interior
Palais Stoclet Brussels


  1. Christyanne, isn't it interesting that Josef Hoffman was inspired by William Morris' original Morris chair. A lot of protomoderism seems to be arts and crafts period inspired furniture, but upholstered.

  2. Christyanne, I also found Josef Hoffman rally interesting. I didn't know that he worked with military planning though which is pretty neat. I think he really enjoyed designing chairs as when I was doing my research on him, I found a lot of chairs he made. It's really interesting how he has really good designs for a lot of them without really repeating his designs.

  3. Christyanne, Very nice summary of Protomodernism. Your current examples are very appropriate for this design style. Josef Hoffman is a great architect to devote further study. I am glad you seem to enjoy studying this period.


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